Bramhall Runners
Entry £5

Blaze Hill 1.2 mile DOUBLE POINTS!
May 28, 2015, 7:30pm @ The Poachers Inn, 95 Ingersley Rd, Bollington, SK10 5RE

Registration from 5.45pm at The Poachers Inn, 95 Ingersley Rd, Bollington, SK10 5RE

Race Start at the Bottom of Blaze Hill, Bollington. Finish at The Top.

Pre Entry Affiliated: £5, Non-Affiliated: £7. Entries on day + £2.

All proceeds going to the Bridgend Centre Bollington & Beechwood Cancer Care.

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Male & Female, Also Under 18, 1st Male and Female. MINIMUM AGE: 16

Entry details here

or Enter online here (with booking fee)


Well done to all Bramhall Runners who took part!