In order to reach a goal it is important to have a structured training plan based on recent performances, time available to train, work or family commitments.
Running/Triathlon/Level 4 strength and conditioning Coach Julie, also yoga teacher can work out and prepare affordable, bespoke training plans for all abilities – please see
Prices are typically £5 per week or £40 for a 20 week half marathon or marathon plan.
I prepared the training plans for the Greater Manchester Marathon. I have received a great deal of feedback to say the training was successful and my plans worked and helped runners achieve their goals – whether it was to run/walk the marathon or complete it in a certain time. Personalised marathon training plans cost £40.
I would recommend when training for any race that you train at different paces. This is your support system for your speed and endurance.
An example of this is as follows:
If your 5km time is 25 minutes, here are your target training times (in minute miles) –
Base pace – 10:15-9:15 (this pace to be used for long runs to build endurance)
Marathon pace – 8.45
Half marathon pace – 8.30
10k pace – 8.00
5k pace – 7.45
3k pace – 7.30
No matter what distance you are training for, all the paces are beneficial in training. Training at 3k pace is great if you’re wishing to improve your V02 max. Half marathon pace is great for tempo training runs for marathons.
I can work out personalised training plans for all abilities of runner.
I set up a personal plan for Jonny who ran the Manchester Marathon – here’s what he said –
“Having entered the 2012 Greater Manchester Marathon I felt I needed a more focussed training program in my goal to get under 4 hours. I contacted Julie through the GMM website and was impressed with her array of qualifications and experience, so felt confident that should could help me achieve my goals. I found her really supportive and encouraging, and the training program that she created for me was tailored specifically to my goals and was based on times I had achieved in previous shorter distance races. Julie also organised group training events for the longer distance training runs that fitted in with my marathon training schedule. I found her advice and encouragement invaluable and would recommend that anybody wishing to achieve a specific time at whatever distance they are working towards, speak to Julie about a tailored training program. She will help you achieve your goals and you will enjoy the varied training program she creates. Thank you Julie!”
Personalised training plans are tailored specifically to your target race or event. The plans are usually 20 weeks long, there is a base phase, build 1 phase, build 2 phase and a peak phase. The programme can also include specific strength resistance exercises for running which help prevent fatigue in a race and also help prevent injury.
I have recently coached and prepared plans for 2 athletes who, using my plans, qualified for and competed in the 2011 World Duathlon Championships in Spain.
Here’s what Peter said:
“I’d like to say a big ‘thank-you’ for your help and encouragement with my run training in preparation for the World Duathlon Championships held in Spain last week-end. The schedules you devised for my winter and summer training were tailored perfectly. Your support was instrumental in enabling me both to qualify for the GB team and be competitive at the World Championships. I really can’t thank you enough and would recommend your services to anyone. I finished in 6 place in my age group – a result I could only have dreamed of prior to embarking on the training plans you provided. So thanks again for all your help. The result means I’ve automatically qualified for the GB team for next year’s World Championships, so I’ll be using your services again :-)”
Here’s what Alexis said:
“I have been in Julie’s training group at Stockport Harriers now for 2-3years. Julie has excellent skills and knowledge to work with the individual needs of an athlete.”Julie saw my potential to qualify for the World Duathlon Championship in 2011 and after qualifying to represent Team GB in my age group in the early part of 2011, Julie put together a programme to improve my results. In particular we needed to concentrate on my cycling so that I could be within sight, or closer, to the faster cyclists so that my running skills could be put to good use. Over a period of 7 months Julie nurtured my bike/running transitions, including early morning ‘brick-sessions’, always making sure that her schedule combined well with my bike/running aspirations.”Julie’s task was to work with my previous background in fell-running, cross country and road running, which is all about strength, to help turn me into a more duathlon-based athlete, one who could run/cycle very efficiently over the duathlon sprint distances. Julie’s coaching skills have been paramount in helping me achieve the successful results in duathlon races this year culminating in my Gold Medal win in The World Duathlon Championships in Gijon, Spain in September 2011.”
See or email for more information on Personal Fitness Plans